Scaling Django to the Sky

How small decisions can make a big difference

!# Created by = Naren Arya; Social =@Narenarya3


I am a

  • Python & JavaScript programmer
  • Linux & Books lover
  • DevOps Engineer by profession
  • Blogging & Chess are favorite hobbies


Design Optimization
Stack Optimization

Thumb rule of MVC

In most cases web application wastes it's time in interacting with database. So Database is the slowest part of any web framework.

Evil side of Django ORM

Myth: Django ORM is dead easy to use in a web application

Truth: Django ORM can make a web application dead slow

Tips for code optimization

The techniques those can reduce the DB hits siginificantly:

  • Advanced ORM implementations
  • Query caching
  • Django template caching
  • Non-blocking code
  • Alternate data stores

ORM factors

Cached Properties

Use cached proerty to avoid multiple db queries

Prefetch and Select related

In a single query we can fetch the related objects.Don't make multiple queries for every thing.

How easily one can add a bottleneck to Django

A novice developer's simple mistake at 20 places can cost you more servers

Mistakes! Mistakes!

We all are doing basic mistakes


... bad design ...

... writing inefficient code

not analyzing latest documentation...

Which can have greater performance bottlenecks

Other factors


  • Non Blocking Django Code
    • Use Queue and Job systems
    • Spawn non-blocking IO from Django
  • Caching internal components
    • Query Caching
    • Template Caching

Options for Non-blocking code

  1. RabbitMQ + Celery
  2. asyncio (Python 3) || future-requests (python 2.7+)

Options for query caching

Options for template caching

  • Must use Django template caching
  • Cache-Machine provide support for Jinja2 templating


Stack Optimization

“If you are going to kick a tiger in the ass, you’d better have a plan to deal with the teeth” - Tom clancy

An Ideal stack

Essential components

  • Load balancers
  • Web accelarators
  • Cache backends
  • Database SQL vs NoSQL

Options for Stack

These open source software proved worthy in powering huge web sites like Instagram, Disqus.

  • Load balancers - HAProxy
  • Web accelarators - Varnish
  • Cache backends - Redis, Memcached
  • Database SQL vs NoSQL - MongoDB, PostgreSQL JSON store

Importance of Load balancing

With help of floating IP we can create a cluster of load balancers in front of Django application servers

Nginx Vs Varnish

Which is better web accelarator?

Apples are not Airplanes

  • Databases
  • MongoDB vs Postgre SQL JSON store

  • Datastores
  • Redis vs Memcached


For giving me this wonderful opportunity

- self.python_blog
- self.personal_blog